Chief Transformation Officer


Digital Transformation and the Chief Transformation Officer

The difference between a successful digital transformation and a failed one is often related to people and culture. Maybe your team was resistant to the change, or felt threatened by it. Maybe you didn’t communicate in the right way, to the right people, at the right time. That’s where a Chief Transformation Officer comes in.

Effective CTrOs are the heart and soul of your program. They act as role model, showing your leaders by example how to encourage and get people excited by change. They will help you get the buy-in you need from all levels of your organisation to ensure success.

Why a Consulting CTrO?

Whether you’re planning a digital transformation, or are in the middle of one, hiring a consulting CTrO can be much more cost effective than a permanent or fixed-term hire. That way, you’ll get the expertise you need, only when you need it.

With a Chief Transformation Officer, though, the benefits go beyond simple cost. You need someone who is completely independent, from both your program’s history and from any specific technology solutions. If your CTrO has a vested interest in the decisions of the past, it can really stand in the way of true transformation. Similarly, if you choose a CTrO services company which also offers IT capability, you’re likely to have solutions pushed on you which aren’t necessarily best-suited to your operating model.

At Unisphere, we offer 100% independent C-suite executives with flexible service options.

If you’re not sure whether you need a CIO, CTO, CTrO or CISO, never fear.

We’re here to help.