WorkSafe New Zealand
“Unisphere is an extension of the WorkSafe team. The team trusts and values the input that James provides.”
Auckland Unlimited
“It’s the ability to validate decisions, knowing the person you're validating them with is looking out for the best solution for you, taking into consideration your size and your costs and your risk appetite – everything.” - Mandy Kennedy, CDO
NZ Hothouse
“We’re more secure than we’ve ever been before.” - Ron Baas, Chief Financial Controller
“IT can be an organisation’s Achilles’ heel – it can make it harder to achieve things. But James gets it, unlike many people I’ve met before.” - Simon Hughes, Director
Legal Industry CFO
“The most valuable part of their services was the deep technical knowledge they could apply to the process, and, for an organisation like ours, also having James from a professional services background — we relied heavily on that.” - Greg S.